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3. PHP

Now we have Openlink and can go to PHP compilation. Note for this version, PHP 3.0.10 or above is required to make things work.

  • From http://www.html.net, download php-3.0.11.tar.gz
  • Perform the following steps:
    gzip -dc php-3.0.11.tar.gz|tar -xof -
    cd php-3.0.11
    ./configure --with-openlink (--with-mysql --with-gd=/usr/local/gd1.3 --enable-track-vars)
        NOTE: My configuration is to run PHP as CGI mode, support mysql, 
              as well. Your configuration may be different.
    make --silent
        NOTE: Don't mind if there are warning messages.
    make install
    These will install php executable into /usr/local/bin. Before you execute php, copy the library files under /usr/local/openlink/odbcsdk/lib into /usr/lib to make it easier for php to find openlink libraries (I know there are better methods).

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