To get a copy of XML-RPC for C/C++, see the xmlrpc-c website. You can either download everything in RPM format, or you can
build it from source. Save the following code in a file called
getSumAndDifference.c: #include <stdio.h>
#include <xmlrpc.h>
#include <xmlrpc_client.h>
#define NAME "XML-RPC getSumAndDifference C Client"
#define VERSION "0.1"
#define SERVER_URL "http://xmlrpc-c.sourceforge.net/api/sample.html"
void die_if_fault_occurred (xmlrpc_env *env)
/* Check our error-handling environment for an XML-RPC fault. */
if (env->fault_occurred) {
fprintf(stderr, "XML-RPC Fault: %s (%d)\n",
env->fault_string, env->fault_code);
int main (int argc, char** argv)
xmlrpc_env env;
xmlrpc_value *result;
xmlrpc_int32 sum, difference;
/* Start up our XML-RPC client library. */
/* Call our XML-RPC server. */
result = xmlrpc_client_call(&env, SERVER_URL,
"sample.sumAndDifference", "(ii)",
(xmlrpc_int32) 5,
(xmlrpc_int32) 3);
/* Parse our result value. */
xmlrpc_parse_value(&env, result, "{s:i,s:i,*}",
"sum", &sum,
"difference", &difference);
/* Print out our sum and difference. */
printf("Sum: %d, Difference: %d\n", (int) sum, (int) difference);
/* Dispose of our result value. */
/* Shutdown our XML-RPC client library. */
return 0;
} |
To compile it, you can type: bash$ CLIENT_CFLAGS=`xmlrpc-c-config libwww-client --cflags`
bash$ CLIENT_LIBS=`xmlrpc-c-config libwww-client --libs`
bash$ gcc $CLIENT_CFLAGS -o getSumAndDifference getSumAndDifference.c $CLIENT_LIBS |
You may need to replace gcc with the name of
your system's C compiler. Save the following code in a file called
getSumAndDifference2.cc: #include <iostream.h>
#include <XmlRpcCpp.h>
#define NAME "XML-RPC getSumAndDifference C++ Client"
#define VERSION "0.1"
#define SERVER_URL "http://xmlrpc-c.sourceforge.net/api/sample.html"
static void get_sum_and_difference () {
// Build our parameter array.
XmlRpcValue param_array = XmlRpcValue::makeArray();
// Create an object to resprent the server, and make our call.
XmlRpcClient server (SERVER_URL);
XmlRpcValue result = server.call("sample.sumAndDifference", param_array);
// Extract the sum and difference from our struct.
XmlRpcValue::int32 sum = result.structGetValue("sum").getInt();
XmlRpcValue::int32 diff = result.structGetValue("difference").getInt();
cout << "Sum: " << sum << ", Difference: " << diff << endl;
int main (int argc, char **argv) {
// Start up our client library.
XmlRpcClient::Initialize(NAME, VERSION);
// Call our client routine, and watch out for faults.
try {
} catch (XmlRpcFault& fault) {
cerr << argv[0] << ": XML-RPC fault #" << fault.getFaultCode()
<< ": " << fault.getFaultString() << endl;
// Shut down our client library.
return 0;
} |
To compile it, you can type: bash$ CLIENT_CFLAGS=`xmlrpc-c-config c++ libwww-client --cflags`
bash$ CLIENT_LIBS=`xmlrpc-c-config c++ libwww-client --libs`
bash$ c++ $CLIENT_CFLAGS -o getSumAndDifference2 getSumAndDifference2.cc $CLIENT_LIBS |
You'll need a reasonably modern C++ compiler for this to
work. If your XML-RPC server supports the Introspection API,
you can automatically generate C++ proxy classes for it. To generate
a proxy class, type the following command and save the output to a
file: bash$ xml-rpc-api2cpp \
> http://xmlrpc-c.sourceforge.net/api/sample.html sample SampleProxy |
This will generate a proxy class named
SampleProxy containing wrappers for all the
methods beginning with sample. You can edit this
class in any fashion you'd like. Save the following code in a file called
sumAndDifference.c: #include <xmlrpc.h>
#include <xmlrpc_cgi.h>
xmlrpc_value *
sumAndDifference (xmlrpc_env *env, xmlrpc_value *param_array, void *user_data)
xmlrpc_int32 x, y;
/* Parse our argument array. */
xmlrpc_parse_value(env, param_array, "(ii)", &x, &y);
if (env->fault_occurred)
return NULL;
/* Return our result. */
return xmlrpc_build_value(env, "{s:i,s:i}",
"sum", x + y,
"difference", x - y);
int main (int argc, char **argv)
/* Set up our CGI library. */
/* Install our only method (with a method signature and a help string). */
&sumAndDifference, NULL,
"S:ii", "Add and subtract two integers.");
/* Call the appropriate method. */
/* Clean up our CGI library. */
} |
To compile it, you can type: bash$ CGI_CFLAGS=`xmlrpc-c-config cgi-server --cflags`
bash$ CGI_LIBS=`xmlrpc-c-config cgi-server --libs`
bash$ gcc $CGI_CFLAGS -o sumAndDifference.cgi sumAndDifference.c $CGI_LIBS |
Once this is done, copy
sumAndDifference.cgi into your webserver's
cgi-bin directory.