This section deals with Human-Human interaction.
As the wearable is quite new for the layman one has to expect some
strange reactions from the other people.
When I go out and read my PalmPilot's screen while walking or in the
subway people have one of the following reactions :
- No reaction: because they are in their own world or because they
don't care.
- Curiosity: they come to me and ask me questions like "what it
is", "what are you doing with it" and "how much does it cost ?"
- Disdain : they may think I want to draw attention.
- Hostility/Fear : "this guy is nut: avoid him".
Steve Mann Gave an interview in the New Scientist magazine and as he
was one of the first to test the waters, so he has a long experience in
this field.
The second problem is that the wearable's hardware is quite expensive and some
predators will spot a new device that can be easily stolen and sold
at a good price, or just in order to have one of them.
As a conclusion you have to be very cautious.