Linux doesn't have EDT , but there are scores of editors available. The
only one that's guaranteed to be included in every UNIX version is
vi ---forget it, your sysadm must have installed something better.
Probably the most popular editor is emacs , which can emulate EDT
to a certain degree; jed is another editor that provides EDT
These two editors are particularly useful for editing program sources, since
they have two features unknown to EDT : syntax hilighting and automatic
indentation. Moreover, you can compile your programs from within the editor
(command ESC-X compile ); in case of a syntax error, the cursor will be
positioned on the offending line. I bet that you'll never want to use the
true blue EDT again.
If you have emacs : start it, then type ESC-X edt-emulation-on .
Pressing ALT--X or ESC-X is emacs ' way of issuing commands, like
EDT 's CTRL--Z. From now on, emacs acts like EDT apart from a
few commands. Differences:
- don't press CTRL--Z to issue commands (if you did, you stopped
emacs . Type fg to resume it);
- there's an extensive on-line help. Press CTRL-H ?, or CTRL-H T to
start a tutorial;
- to save a file, press CTRL-X CTRL-S;
- to exit, press CTRL-X CTRL-C;
- to insert a new file in a buffer, press CTRL-X CTRL-F, then
CTRL-X B to switch among buffers.
If you have jed : ask your sysadm to configure jed properly.
Emulation is already on when you start it; use the normal keypad keys, and
press CTRL--H CTRL--H or CTRL-? to get help. Commands are issued in the same
way as emacs '. In addition, there are some handy key bindings missing
in the original EDT ; key bindings can also be tailored to your own
taste. Ask your sysadm.
In alternative, you may use another editor with a completely different
interface. emacs in native mode is an obvious choice; another popular
editor is joe , which can emulate other editors like emacs itself
(being even easier to use) or the DOS editor. Invoke the editor as
jmacs or jstar and press, respectively, CTRL-X H or CTRL-J to get
online help. emacs and jed are much more powerful than good
ol' EDT .