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3. File procautostart.cpp// From your browser save this file as text-file named as 'procautostart.cpp'. // Author: Al Dev alavoor@yahoo.com // // Program to monitor the unix processes // and automatically re-start them if they die // #include <stdio.h> #include <strings.h> // C strings #include <unistd.h> // for getopt #include <alloc.h> // for free #include <errno.h> // for kill() - error numbers command extern int errno; #ifdef Linux #include <asm/errno.h> // for kill() - error numbers command #endif #include <sys/types.h> // for kill() command #include <signal.h> // for kill() command #include <sys/wait.h> // for wait() #include <stdlib.h> // for setenv() #include <time.h> // for strftime() #include <libgen.h> // for basename() //#include <syslog.h> // for logging #include "debug.h" #include "String.h" #include "StringTokenizer.h" #define BUFF_HUN 100 #define BUFF_THOU 1024 #define PR_INIT_VAL -10 #define WAIT_FOR_SYS 5 // wait for process to start up #define DEF_SL_SECS 6 // default sleep time #define SAFE_MEM 10 // to avoid any possible memory leaks #define LOG_NO false // do not output to logfile #define LOG_YES true // do output to logfile #define STD_ERR_NO false // do not print to std err #define STD_ERR_YES true // do print to std err #define DATE_NO false // do not print date #define DATE_YES true // do print date int start_process(char *commandline, char *args[], char **envp, pid_t proc_pid); int fork2(pid_t parent_pid, unsigned long tsecs); inline void error_msg(char *mesg_out, char *lg_file, bool pr_lg, bool std_err, bool pr_dt); ////////////////////////////////////////////// // To test this program use -- // procautostart -n 5 -c 'monitor_test dummy1 -a dummy2 -b dummy3 ' & ////////////////////////////////////////////// void usage(char **argv) { printf("%s:\n", argv[0]); printf("\ninterval specification:\n"); printf(" -n # -- seconds\n"); printf(" -m # -- microseconds\n"); printf(" -o # -- nanoseconds\n"); printf("\nprocess specification:\n"); printf(" -c 'cmdline'\n"); printf (" -p pidfile -- if specified reads process pid from this file\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\nUsage : %s -n <seconds> -m <microsecond> -o <nanosecond> -c '<command>'\n", argv[0]); printf("\nExample: procautostart -n 5 -c 'monitor_test dummy1 -a dummy2 -b dummy3 ' \n"); exit(-1); } int main(int argc, char **argv, char **envp) { unsigned long sleep_sec, sleep_micro, sleep_nano; int ch; pid_t proc_pid; int pr_no = PR_INIT_VAL; char mon_log[40]; char *pr_name = NULL, **cmdargs = NULL; String cmdline; char *pidfile = NULL; // you can turn on debug by editing Makefile and put -DDEBUG_PRT in gcc debug_("test debug", "this line"); debug_("argc", argc); // Use getpid() - man 2 getpid() proc_pid = getpid(); // get the Process ID of procautostart debug_("PID proc_pid", (int) proc_pid); // Create directory to hold log, temp files system("mkdir mon 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null"); sleep_sec = DEF_SL_SECS ; // default sleep time sleep_micro = 0; // default micro-sleep time sleep_nano = 0; // default nano-sleep time optarg = NULL; while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "n:m:o:h:c:")) != -1) // needs trailing colon : { switch (ch) { case 'n': debug_("scanned option n ", optarg); sleep_sec = atoi(optarg); debug_("sleep_sec", sleep_sec); break; case 'm': debug_("scanned option m ", optarg); sleep_micro = atoi(optarg); debug_("sleep_micro", sleep_micro); break; case 'o': debug_("scanned option o ", optarg); sleep_nano = atoi(optarg); debug_("sleep_nano", sleep_nano); break; case 'c': debug_("scanned option c ", optarg); cmdline = optarg; //cmdline = strdup(optarg); // does auto-malloc here debug_("cmdline", cmdline.val()); break; case 'h': debug_("scanned option h ", optarg); usage(argv); break; case 'p': pidfile = strdup(optarg); break; default: debug_("ch", "default"); usage(argv); break; } } if (cmdline.length() == 0) //if (cmdline == NULL) usage(argv); // detach from the main process if (fork()) // 0 returned in child process exit(0); // exit parent process - non-zero child PID got here... //openlog(argv[0], LOG_PID, LOG_DAEMON); // trim the trailing blanks -- otherwise problem in grep command //cmdline.trim(true); //cmdline.chopall('&'); // trim trailing ampersand debug_("cmdline", cmdline.val()); // Start the process { // Find the command line args StringTokenizer strtokens(cmdline.val()); // string tokenizer is borrowed from Java cmdargs = (char **) calloc(strtokens.countTokens() + SAFE_MEM, sizeof(char *)); debug_("countTokens()", strtokens.countTokens()); for (int tmpii = 0; strtokens.hasMoreTokens(); tmpii++) { cmdargs[tmpii] = strdup(strtokens.nextToken().val()); debug_("tmpii", tmpii); debug_("cmdargs[tmpii]", (char *) cmdargs[tmpii]); } // In case execve you MUST NOT have trailing ampersand & in the command line!! //pr_no = start_process(cmdline, NULL, NULL, proc_pid); // Using execlp ... pr_no = start_process(cmdargs[0], & cmdargs[0], envp, proc_pid); // Using execve .... //cmdpid = start_command(cmdargs, envp, pidfile); // You can also use syslog if you do not like above logging //syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Started process: %s", cmdline.val()); debug_("The child pid", pr_no); if (pr_no < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "\nFatal Error: Failed to start the process\n"); exit(-1); } sleep(WAIT_FOR_SYS); // wait for the process to come up // Get process name - only the first word from cmdline pr_name = strdup(basename(cmdargs[0])); // process name, does auto-malloc here } // generate log file names { char aa[21]; strncpy(aa, pr_name, 20); aa[20] = '\0'; // Define mon file-names - make it unique with combination of // process name and process id sprintf(mon_log, "mon/%s%d.log", aa, (int) proc_pid); } // Print out pid to log file if (pr_no > 0) { char aa[200]; sprintf(aa, "Process ID of %s is %d", pr_name, pr_no); error_msg(aa, mon_log, LOG_YES, STD_ERR_NO, DATE_YES); } // monitors the process - restarts if process dies... char print_log[200]; while (1) // infinite loop - monitor every 6 seconds { //debug_("Monitoring the process now...", "."); switch (kill(pr_no, 0)) { case 0: break; default: case ESRCH: // process died !! // ERSRCH means - No process can be found corresponding to pr_no // hence process had died !! sprintf(print_log, "Error ESRCH: No process or process group can be found for %d", pr_no); error_msg(print_log, mon_log, LOG_YES, STD_ERR_YES, DATE_YES); // You can also use syslog if you do not like above logging //syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "PROCESS DIED: %s", cmdline.val()); //pr_no = start_process(cmdline, NULL, NULL, proc_pid); // Using execlp .... pr_no = start_process(cmdargs[0], & cmdargs[0], envp, proc_pid); // Using execve .... // You can also use syslog if you do not like below logging //syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Started process: %s", cmdline.val()); sprintf(print_log, "Starting process %s", pr_name); error_msg(print_log, mon_log, LOG_YES, STD_ERR_NO, DATE_NO); sleep(WAIT_FOR_SYS); // wait for the process to come up break; } sprintf(print_log, "Process ID of %s is %d", pr_name, pr_no); error_msg(print_log, mon_log, LOG_YES, STD_ERR_NO, DATE_NO); //debug_("Sleeping now ......", "."); sleep(sleep_sec); // Uncomment these to use micro-seconds // For real-time process control use micro-seconds or nana-seconds sleep functions // See 'man3 usleep', 'man 2 nanasleep' // If you do not have usleep() or nanosleep() on your system, use select() or poll() // specifying no file descriptors to test. //usleep(sleep_micro); // To sleep nano-seconds ... Uncomment these to use nano-seconds //struct timespec *req = new struct timespec; //req->tv_sec = 0; // seconds //req->tv_nsec = sleep_nano; // nanoseconds //nanosleep( (const struct timespec *)req, NULL); /* You can use select instead of sleep for portability struct timeval interval; interval.tv_sec += tmp; interval.tv_usec += (long int) 1e3 *tmp; select(1, NULL, NULL, NULL, & interval); */ } //closelog(); if using syslog } inline void error_msg(char *mesg_out, char *lg_file, bool pr_lg, bool std_err, bool pr_dt) { if (pr_lg) // (pr_lg == true) output to log file { char tmp_msg[BUFF_THOU]; if (pr_dt == true) // print date and message to log file 'lg_file' { sprintf(tmp_msg, "date >> %s; echo '\n%s\n' >> %s\n ", lg_file, mesg_out, lg_file); system(tmp_msg); } else { sprintf(tmp_msg, "echo '\n%s\n' >> %s\n ", mesg_out, lg_file); system(tmp_msg); } } if (std_err) // (std_err == true) output to standard error fprintf(stderr, "\n%s\n", mesg_out); //debug_("mesg_out", mesg_out); } // start a process and returns PID or -ve value if error // The main() function has envp arg as in - main(int argc, char *argv[], char **envp) int start_process(char *commandline, char *args[], char **envp, pid_t parent_pid) { int ff; unsigned long tsecs; tsecs = time(NULL); // time in secs since Epoch 1 Jan 1970 debug_("Time tsecs", tsecs); // Use fork2() instead of fork to avoid zombie child processes switch (ff = fork2(parent_pid, tsecs)) // fork creates 2 process each executing the following lines { case -1: fprintf(stderr, "\nFatal Error: start_process() - Unable to fork process\n"); _exit(errno); break; case 0: // child process debug_("\nStarting the start child process\n", " "); // For child process to ignore the interrupts (i.e. to put // child process in "background" mode. // Signals are sent to all processes started from a // particular terminal. Accordingly, when a program is to be run non-interactively // (started by &), the shell arranges that the program will ignore interrupts, so // it won't be stopped by interrupts intended for foreground processes. // Hence if previous value of signal is not IGN than set it to IGN. // Note: Signal handlers cannot be set for SIGKILL, SIGSTOP if (signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN) == SIG_ERR) fprintf(stderr, "\nSignal Error: Not able to set signal to SIGINT\n"); else if (signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN) != SIG_IGN) // program already run in background signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); // ignore interrupts if (signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN) == SIG_ERR) fprintf(stderr, "\nSignal Error: Not able to set signal to SIGHUP\n"); else if (signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN) != SIG_IGN) // program already run in background signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN); // ignore hangups if (signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN) == SIG_ERR) fprintf(stderr, "\nSignal Error: Not able to set signal to SIGQUIT\n"); else if (signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN) != SIG_IGN) // program already run in background signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN); // ignore Quit if (signal(SIGABRT, SIG_IGN) == SIG_ERR) fprintf(stderr, "\nSignal Error: Not able to set signal to SIGABRT\n"); else if (signal(SIGABRT, SIG_IGN) != SIG_IGN) // program already run in background signal(SIGABRT, SIG_IGN); // ignore ABRT if (signal(SIGTERM, SIG_IGN) == SIG_ERR) fprintf(stderr, "\nSignal Error: Not able to set signal to SIGTERM\n"); else if (signal(SIGTERM, SIG_IGN) != SIG_IGN) // program already run in background signal(SIGTERM, SIG_IGN); // ignore TERM // sigtstp - Stop typed at tty. Ignore this so that parent process // be put in background with CTRL+Z or with SIGSTOP if (signal(SIGTSTP, SIG_IGN) == SIG_ERR) fprintf(stderr, "\nSignal Error: Not able to set signal to SIGTSTP\n"); else if (signal(SIGTSTP, SIG_IGN) != SIG_IGN) // program already run in background signal(SIGTSTP, SIG_IGN); // ignore TSTP // You can use debug_ generously because they do NOT increase program size! debug_("before execve commandline", commandline); debug_("before execve args[0]", args[0]); debug_("before execve args[1]", args[1]); debug_("before execve args[2]", args[2]); debug_("before execve args[3]", args[3]); debug_("before execve args[4]", args[4]); debug_("before execve args[5]", args[5]); debug_("before execve args[6]", args[6]); debug_("before execve args[7]", args[7]); debug_("before execve args[8]", args[8]); debug_("before execve args[9]", args[9]); execve(commandline, args, envp); // execlp, execvp does not provide expansion of metacharacters // like <, >, *, quotes, etc., in argument list. Invoke // the shell /bin/sh which then does all the work. Construct // a string 'commandline' that contains the complete command //execlp("/bin/sh", "sh", "-c", commandline, (char *) 0); // if success than NEVER returns !! // If execlp returns than there is some serious error !! And // executes the following lines below... fprintf(stderr, "\nFatal Error: Unable to start child process\n"); ff = -2; exit(127); break; default: // parent process // child pid is ff; if (ff < 0) fprintf(stderr, "\nFatal Error: Problem while starting child process\n"); { char buff[BUFF_HUN]; FILE *fp1; sprintf(buff, "mon/%d%lu.out", (int) parent_pid, tsecs); // tsecs is unsigned long fp1 = fopen(buff, "r"); if (fp1 != NULL) { buff[0] = '\0'; fgets(buff, BUFF_HUN, fp1); ff = atoi(buff); } fclose(fp1); debug_("start process(): ff - ", ff); #ifndef DEBUG_PRT sprintf(buff, "rm -f mon/%d%lu.out", (int) parent_pid, tsecs); system(buff); #endif // DEBUG_PRT } // define wait() to put child process in foreground or else put in background //waitpid(ff, & status, WNOHANG || WUNTRACED); //waitpid(ff, & status, WUNTRACED); //wait(& status); break; } return ff; } /* fork2() -- like fork, but the new process is immediately orphaned * (won't leave a zombie when it exits) * Returns 1 to the parent, not any meaningful pid. * The parent cannot wait() for the new process (it's unrelated). */ /* This version assumes that you *haven't* caught or ignored SIGCHLD. */ /* If you have, then you should just be using fork() instead anyway. */ int fork2(pid_t parent_pid, unsigned long tsecs) { pid_t mainpid, child_pid = -10; int status; char buff[BUFF_HUN]; if (!(mainpid = fork())) { switch (child_pid = fork()) { case 0: //child_pid = getpid(); //debug_("At case 0 fork2 child_pid : ", child_pid); return 0; case -1: _exit(errno); /* assumes all errnos are <256 */ default: debug_("fork2 child_pid : ", (int) child_pid); sprintf(buff, "echo %d > mon/%d%lu.out", (int) child_pid, (int) parent_pid, tsecs); system(buff); _exit(0); } } //debug_("fork2 pid : ", pid); if (mainpid < 0 || waitpid(mainpid, & status, 0) < 0) return -1; if (WIFEXITED(status)) if (WEXITSTATUS(status) == 0) return 1; else errno = WEXITSTATUS(status); else errno = EINTR; /* well, sort of :-) */ return -1; } // // char respawn[1024]; // strcpy(respawn, cmdline); // For "C" program use kill(pid_t process, int signal) function. // #include <signal.h> // See 'man 2 kill' // Returns 0 on success and -1 with errno set. // kill -0 $pid 2>/dev/null || respawn // To get the exit return status do -- // kill -0 $pid 2>/dev/null | echo $? // Return value 0 is success and others mean failure // Sending 0 does not do anything to target process, but it tests // whether the process exists. The kill command will set its exit // status based on this process. // // Alternatively, you can use // ps -p $pid >/dev/null 2>&1 || respawn // To get the exit return status do -- // ps -p $pid >/dev/null 2>&1 | echo $? // Return value 0 is success and others mean failure //*********************************************************************** // You can use pidfile to get the process id //********************************************************************** /* void poll_pidfile(char *pidfile) { struct stat buf; struct timeval interval = { tv_sec:0, tv_usec:(long int) 1e4 }; // 10 miliseconds while (stat(pidfile, & buf) ? errno == ENOENT : buf.st_size == 0) { struct timeval i = interval; select(1, NULL, NULL, NULL, & i); } } int start_command(char **args, char **envp, char *pidfile) { pid_t cmdpid; if (pidfile != NULL) { switch (unlink(pidfile)) { case ENOENT: case 0: break; default: return -1; } } switch (cmdpid = fork2()) { case 0: // child execve(args[0], args, envp); exit(-1); case -1: // error return -1; default: // parent break; } if (pidfile != NULL) { FILE *pf; poll_pidfile(pidfile); if ((pf = fopen(pidfile, "r")) == NULL) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "failed to read pidfile, using fork2 pid"); } else { char textpid[1024]; pid_t pid; fgets(textpid, sizeof(textpid), pf); if ((pid = atoi(textpid)) != -1) { cmdpid = pid; } else syslog(LOG_ERR, "failed to find pid in pidfile, using fork2 pid"); fclose(pf); } } return cmdpid; } */ Next Previous Contents |