The programmer's manual is essential for concepts.
Nearly all the clients supplied come with a man page which is installed
into /usr/mgr/man/man1 or man6 .
Other useful man pages are bitblit.3 , font.5 , and
bitmap.5 .
There is some ambiguity in the docs in distinguishing the
internal bitmap format found in your frame-buffer and the external
bitmap format found in files, e.g. icons.
The mgr.1 man page covers command line options, commands in
the ~/.mgrc startup file, mouse and menu interaction with the server,
and hot-key shortcuts available on systems with such hot-keys.
Many of the fonts in /usr/mgr/font/* are described to some
extent in /usr/mgr/font/*.txt , e.g. /usr/mgr/font/FONTDIR.txt
gives X-style font descriptions for the fonts obtained
in .bdf format. Font names end in WxH , where W and H
are the
decimal width and height in pixels of each character box.