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2. Apache

Apache is the leading internet web server, with over 60% market share, according to the Netcraft survey. Several key factors have contributed to Apache's success:

  • The Apache license. It is an open source, BSD-like license that allows for both commercial and non-commercial uses of Apache.
  • Talented community of developers with a variety of backgrounds and an open development process based on technical merits.
  • Modular architecture. Apache users can easily add functionality or taylor Apache to their specific enviroment.
  • Portable: Apache runs on nearly all flavors of Unix (and Linux), Windows, BeOs, mainframes...
  • Robustness and security
Many commercial vendors have adopted Apache based solutions for their products, including Oracle, Red Hat and IBM. In addition, Covalent provides add-on modules and 24x7 support for Apache.

The following websites use Apache or derivatives. Chances are that if Apache is good enough for them, it is also good enough for you :)

>From the Apache website:

The Apache Project is a collaborative software development effort aimed at creating a robust, commercial-grade, featureful, and freely-available source code implementation of an HTTP (Web) server.

The Apache project has grown beyond building just a web server into other critical server side technologies like Java or XML. The Apache Software Foundation, described in the next section serves as an umbrella for these projects.

Related talk

  • W09: Introduction to the Apache Web Server
  • F16: Licensing issues in commercial OSS products

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