- #
# This line is a comment. |
Comments may also occur at the end of a command. echo "A comment will follow." # Comment here. |
Comments may also follow white space at the beginning of a line. # A tab precedes this comment. |
Caution | A command may not follow after a comment on the
same line. There is no method of terminating the comment,
in order for "live code" to begin on the same
line. Use a new line for the next command. |
- ;
Note that the ; sometimes needs to be escaped (\). - .
- :
Endless loop: while :
done |
Placeholder in if/then test: if condition
then : # Do nothing and branch ahead
fi |
Provides a placeholder where a binary operation is
expected, see Section 3.3.1. : ${username=`whoami`}
# ${username=`whoami`} without the leading : gives an error
Evaluate string of variables using
"parameter substitution", see Example 3-6: : ${HOSTNAME?} ${USER?} ${MAIL?} |
Prints error message if one or more of essential environmental
variables not set. - ()
Note: A listing of commands within
parentheses starts a
subshell (see Section 3.16).
- ${}
See Section 3.3 for more details. - {xxx,yyy,zzz,...}
A command may act upon a comma-separated list of file specs within
braces. Filename expansion (globbing)
applies to the file specs between the braces. Warning | No spaces allowed within the braces. |
- {}
The code block enclosed in braces may have I/O redirected to
and from it. See Section 3.13 for a detailed
discussion of I/O redirection. Example 3-2. Code blocks and I/O redirection #!/bin/bash
read fstab
} < /etc/fstab
echo "First line in /etc/fstab is:"
echo "$fstab"
exit 0 |
Example 3-3. Saving the results of a code block to a file #!/bin/bash
# rpm-check
# ---------
# Queries an rpm file for description, listing, and whether it can be installed.
# Saves output to a file.
# This script illustrates using a code block.
if [ -z $1 ]
echo "Usage: `basename $0` rpm-file"
exit $NOARGS
echo "Archive Description:"
rpm -qpi $1 #Query description.
echo "Archive Listing:"
rpm -qpl $1 #Query listing.
rpm -i --test $1 #Query whether rpm file can be installed.
if [ ! $? ]
echo "$1 can be installed."
echo "$1 cannot be installed."
} > $1.test # Redirects output of everything in block to file.
echo "Results of rpm test in file $1.test"
# See rpm man page for explanation of options.
exit 0 |
- /{}
- > >& >> <
scriptname >filename redirects the output of
scriptname to file
filename. Overwrite
filename if it already exists. command >&2 redirects output of
command to stderr. scriptname >>filename appends
the output of scriptname
to file filename. If
filename does not already exist,
it will be created. For a more detailed explanation, see Section 3.13. - <<
- |
passes the output of "ls -l" to the shell, with the
same result as a simple "ls -l".
sorts the output of all the .lst files and
deletes duplicate lines.
Note: If one of the commands in the pipe
aborts, this prematurely terminates execution of
the pipe. Called a broken pipe,
this condition sends a SIGPIPE
signal. (See Section 3.26 for more detail
on signals.)
- >|
- -
(cd /source/directory && tar cf - . ) | (cd /dest/directory && tar xvfp -)
# Move entire file tree from one directory to another
# [courtesy Alan Cox, a.cox@swansea.ac.uk]
# More elegant than, but equivalent to:
# cd source-directory
# tar cf - . | (cd ../target-directory; tar xzf -) |
bunzip2 linux-2.4.3.tar.bz2 | tar xvf -
# --uncompress tar file-- | --then pass it to "tar"--
# If "tar" has not been patched to handle "bunzip2",
# this needs to be done in two discrete steps, using a pipe.
# The purpose of the exercise is to unarchive "bzipped" kernel source. |
Note that in this context the "-" is not
itself a Bash operator, but rather an option recognized by
certain UNIX utilities. Where a filename is expected, redirects output to stdout
(mostly seen with tar cf) Example 3-4. Backup of all files changed in last day #!/bin/bash
# Backs up all files in current directory
# modified within last 24 hours
# in a tarred and gzipped file.
if [ $# = 0 ]
echo "Usage: `basename $0` filename"
exit 1
tar cvf - `find . -mtime -1 -type f -print` > $1.tar
gzip $1.tar
exit 0 |
- -
Caution | This is not to be confused with the
"-" redirection operator just discussed. How
Bash interprets the "-" depends on the
context in which it appears. |
- ~
- White space
- Blank lines
Blank lines have no effect on the action of a script, and are therefore useful
for visually separating functional sections of the script.